

原題は「Blinded by the light」です。

以前のこの映画の紹介記事はこちらです→ http://www.shaheenjapan.com/?p=469



カセットテープ・ダイヤリーズ予告編 日本版


BLINDED BY THE LIGHT – Official Trailer – Now Playing In Theaters

Blinded by the Light – Official Trailer

主役のViveik Kalraは今後、Dev PatelやJeet Kumarがこれまで演じてきたような役柄で活躍しそうですね。↓なかなかCUTE。今後期待してる!



Gurinder Chadha & Sarfraz Manzoor on “Blinded by the Light” | Amanpour and Company

監督のGurinder Chadha と映画の原作Greetings from Bury Parkの著者で元となった人物のSarfraz Manzoorのインタビューも紹介します。


How ‘Blinded by the Light’ Got Bruce Springsteen’s Approval

Sarfraz Manzoor on the power of film, Bruce Springsteen and fighting class entitlement

Sarfraz Manzoor Discusses How Bruce Springsteen Inspired The Film Blinded by the Light | Lorraine

Writer Sarfraz Manzoor on meeting Bruce Springsteen for Blinded by the Light

Gurinder Chadha & Sarfraz Manzoor

Bruce Springsteen’s wonderful reaction to seeing Blinded by the Light

The Cast of ‘Blinded by the Light’ on Springsteen’s Importance | Fandango All Access


“Blinded by the Light” Movie Premiere – Bruce Springsteen arrives on the red carpet in Asbury Park

Blinded by the Light Viveik Kalra & Sarfraz Manzoor interview

Viveik Kalra & Aaron Phagura on Singing in Blinded by the Light

Blinded by the Light clips, behind the scenes, interviews

Blinded By The Light: Gurinder Chadha, Sarfraz Manzoor and Viveik Kalra Interview

Edinburgh festival 2012: Sarfraz Manzoor tackles Bruce Springsteen